Eaton Bray Academy
Happy, inspired, lifelong learners

Year 6 (Deer) Class

This is where you will find our hardworking Year 6 children! Our pupils mature so much during their final year at Eaton Bray Academy and they thoroughly enjoy the extra responsibility that being in Year 6 brings.

The younger children in our school look up to them and we encourage Year 6 to be excellent role models. Some of the ways in which they do this is by undertaking the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl and leading the School Council and leading the houses as House Captains.

In Year 6, we encourage children to do their best, and to develop a sense of independence, pride in their work and confidence so that they leave Eaton Bray Academy well-rounded individuals, both socially and academically prepared for the next stage of their education. We encourage our Year 6 children to make the most of all opportunities here and to create life-long memories, including the opportunity to undertake school residential, sports tournaments and to take part in numerous Enterprise projects.

Our school values underpin our Year 6 curriculum, ensuring that our children become resilient, appreciative, kind, honest, responsible and courageous members of society.

Deer Class are currently taught by Mrs Gray and Mrs Lyons. PE is taught by Miss Hill on a Friday afternoon and the children should come into school in their PE kit on this day.

Weekly Calendar

PE Lesson Friday
Library Monday
Homework Set Thursday, Due Tuesday

We encourage parents to join our Class Dojo scheme which is an online platform that serves as link between home and school.
School letters are sent using ParentMail.
More information is on our Parents page

Class Staff

Mrs V. Gray

Deputy Headteacher

Year 6 Class Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
English Lead

Mrs J. Lyons

Deputy Headteacher

Year 6 Class Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Maths and Art Lead

Miss A. Turner

Class Teacher

Disadvantaged Pupils Lead
Pupil Premium Lead
Physical Education Lead

Mrs A Holmes

Teaching Assistant