Eaton Bray Academy
Happy, inspired, lifelong learners

Year 4 (Badgers) Class

We aim to foster a calm, inclusive and fun environment where all learners can be the best they can be.

As the children approach the end of Lower Key Stage 2, we encourage them to embody our school values of Kindness, Honesty and Respect.

So our class is a wonderful place to be!

We encourage parents to join our Class Dojo scheme which is an online platform that serves as link between home and school.
School letters are sent using ParentMail.
More information is on our Parents page

Class Staff

Miss F. Pantling

Class Teacher

Religious Education (RE) Lead
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Lead

Mrs S. Reynolds

Class Teacher

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Lead

Mrs T. Cornish

EYFS Teaching Assistant